Tuesday, July 31, 2012

πνοή ζωής •spiritus vitae •speak life

I trek through the shrubs and dirt, surrounded by Ponderosa pines and pine trees so plentiful that I cannot name them all. They cover the rolling hillsides like a blanket. Along the meadows and hillsides thrive various colors of wildflowers and dandelions the size of baseballs. They adorn the hills with beauty and splendor, a truly remarkable sight to see. I enter a large meadow and my breathing stops short as I am awestruck by what I see. The rolling hillside is covered in nothing but a carpet of these same wildflowers and dandelions. Deep shades of purples, oranges, and yellows mesh together in an abundance of vibrant color. Puffy pink clouds cross the big, cerulean Montana sky, and the quiet evening glow starts to settle in the distance, over the serene Montana and Canadian Rockies. I stand in the middle of this abundant beauty, taking in the smell of freedom all around me. And as I enjoy every particle of this grandeur, the romancer of the universe and of my heart whispers to me and says that even among all this, I am still more beautiful; I am a daughter of the King, a princess in the midst of her daddy's kingdom. "And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you" (Matthew 6:30)

This has been my life in Montana for the last two weeks; and abundance of wealth, where beauty is concerned, in the "Get Lost State" of the west. The pace of life here is steady and slow, yet the days seem to be over before they hardly begin. Mornings of singing birds and laughing squirrels melt quickly into deer wandering gently in the woods far below the cotton candy sunsets that last for hours. Ten o'clock finally comes around and all the creatures of the night come alive as the moon makes its grand entrance on its wide stretching stage. Things here are simple, yet aesthetics are nothing short of abundant; they shout the glory of a God who gives us more than we could ever want or need. They sing of His heart to lavish an abundance of goodness, grace, and freedom over all His creation, and that's only the beginning of where our story starts. 

On the last Wednesday in June, I piled into a tiny (and ridiculously packed car) with my friends Ana, Savannah, and Andrew. Our trip was to take us to Oregon for a few days, and then onto Eureka, Montana as our final destination. I was so excited to start a new life in a new state with my new friends. I knew nothing of what the trip would entail, and certainly not that it would change my life so drastically. I was ready to learn, grow, and experience life. We finally made it to Dexter, Oregon (a tiny town outside of Eugene) and were immediately welcomed and added to the family that we met there. We were to stay with a family that Andrew and Savannah had met at a conference event a month or so before. I had heard great things about (we'll call him P) and his family, and I was excited to meet them all. Little did I know just how much we would all be blessed, and learn to bless.

Now I'd love to go into great detail about everything I learned and saw there- the healing of several people, the right-on words of knowledge and encouragement that people I've never met came up and told me about myself, and further yet, the things God began to tell me about other people that I've never met, in order that I might encourage them and tell them of His great love. I've learned and seen so much, and I have so many stories to tell, but as I try to fit them all into one blog, I find it is impossible and only delays my writing for lack of where to start. So I have decided that  the in-depth stories of Oregon, and some from here, will have to wait for a blog just for them :)

So, that leaves us starting out here in Montana. Andrew, Savannah, Ana and I had many great adventures the first week here. Finally the week came to an end, and Andrew and Ana left for California again. It was just Savannah and I. It felt so empty, so quiet without the others who make us laugh so incredibly much. We didn't do much of anything, except try to settle in. 

After a few weeks, Savannah and I realized we were not living the life that God has called us to live here. This town is known for its suicide rates, its spirit of depression. We were called to come be salt and light to the people of Montana, and here we were not doing much. We decided to start getting involved. 

Because the town is so tiny, you can walk the length of stores and know every shop keepers name by the time you leave. As we were walking one Wednesday, we decided to go into this little antique shop that we had not been in before. The shopkeeper, an older lady started talking with us, and I was excited to find out she lived her life in Ireland (which I adore) and we became friends. She told us to call her "Granny Smith" and to come back and visit her. She was so delighted that someone took time to stop and talk to her for such a long time (which oftentimes includes Granny trying to set me up with her grandson, and have us tell her our adventures to put in the book she's writing. We've been in a couple other times, and we talk for quite a bit before we leave. She is a sweet lady, and we get to be the people to show her love. 

That same evening we went to the Farmer's Market and thoroughly enjoyed talking to everyone there. It was great just to get to know people. We also went to youth group that evening, which was really great because we got to meet some of the youth there. The funny thing about youth is that they try so hard to make it look like they are so mature, but the thing is that really, they are looking up to you for an example. They are still children at heart, and what better time than to help mold their searching hearts with nothing but love and encouragement! 

We have also been attending church services with Savannah's family. I wasn't really sure what to expect at first, but I soon realized that this is where I want to be. The people are incredible! There are so many people that I already love so much, and though I still struggle a great deal with trying to put all the right names with the right people, I know many by face, and I get excited to give them a hug whenever I see them at church or just out in public (which happens a lot in this tiny town!). 

The church is having a Vacation Bible School for the children next week, and Savannah and I have volunteered to help out! We get to be crew leaders and work with groups of children! We also get to be in a skit for the children, which will be a blast. I get to hang out with children and teach them about Jesus ALL WEEK LONG! What could be a better way to spend your time? :D I can't wait!

There is a ladies group at the church that gets together every week to have tea and make crafts. We attended last week and it was such a blast! Meeting all the sweet ladies was such a blessing!  Everyone is so kind, and I can't wait until next time! I also enjoyed playing with two adorable little girls there, and wish I had had more time playing with them than I had spent drinking tea :P The great thing about this, is the way we heard about the women's group. Papa God gave me a spot on word of knowledge about a lady in the church, and when I met her and gave her the word, we became friends and found out about the meetings. It is such a great testimony of how Papa uses His spirit in us to connect us all and build up relationships in the Family of God, while encouraging each other! Papa is so good, and smart might I add ;)

Overall, I am starting to get more and more involved into this tiny town, and I am loving every minute of it. I love these people here, and I already greatly love the children that I will get to meet next week for VBS! My time here isn't about going out and trying to convert people, because that's definitely not my heart. My time here is about building as many relationships as I can, and loving as many people as I can. Walking in the freedom and identities that Jesus has given us is enough to shine His love and light into the world. Our job as children of God is never, and never has been, to tell people to get their lives straightened up and bow down to God. But rather, our desire is to show the love of a great God who gives grace through broken lives, who takes them and makes them whole, whose love is enough to set anyone free. 

I deeply encourage you all to continue to build relationships, because we were created to be the children and family of God. We were created to work TOGETHER, as one, living in relationship with the God of this miraculous universe. That's what were were created for: RELATIONSHIP. The cross symbolizes the relationship between God (vertical) and humankind (horizontal) bound together by the love and blood of Christ. I encourage you to speak life and encouragement into people, especially brothers and sisters in Christ. The word "breath" literally means "spirit." With our tongues the heart speaks, or our spirit is spoken into the room, changing the atmosphere. On our tongues is the power of life and death, because we speak with the spirit of the living God in us. Continue to speak life into people, because you are children of God, free and dearly beloved. 

πνοή ζωής •spiritus vitae •speak life

Katie Grace

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